Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Stolen Words

      The growing use of technology has made it easier for students to "copy and paste" work off the Internet into their papers. Our generation has grown up in a time where information on just about anything is just one click away. The only problem with this is that a lot of this information does not have a listed author. This allows people to believe that they do not have to cite the information and that it is there for anyone to use. The amount of people who believe taking information from the Internet is a serious crime is declining. They do not understand that using other peoples words is stealing and is a serious matter. This was all explained in the New York Times article, Plagiarism Lines Blur for Students in Digital Age.
      I agree with the article in that plagiarism is a serious crime and that students do not take it seriously enough. It is unfair for someone to have worked on on a piece of writing and put it on the Internet for other people to read and expand their knowledge on the subject just to have it stolen from them and not get any credit. I know what this feels like because in my marine class in high school, we worked in groups while doing lab assignments. I would always make sure that I did my share of the work because I hate when people just sit there and copy after not doing work the whole class period. There was this one kid that was always in my group and while the rest of us were finding answers, he was always texting on his phone. When class was almost over he would always rush to copy our answers. I hated when he did this because I would have much rather text the whole class time and not do any work, but I knew that was not fair to the rest of my group. People should be penalized for plagiarizing and should not be able to take credit for other peoples work. 

Monday, September 19, 2011

The Studious Ball of Fur

Teddy's life can be extremely grueling, especially when working on the finances. When just a petite pup, Teddy was a gorgeous white with a hint of tan here and there.  After the stress of supporting a family of six, Teddy has turned into a dull tannish-red, and clearly has forgotten what it's like to take a quick trip to the groomers.  With most of his time taken up by work, unfortunately Teddy also forgoes bathing every now and then, leaving a mortifying smell lingering around the entire house.  After a long tough day at work, it's no surprise Teddy drags his poor old paws across the chilly tile floor to hit the sack.  Not very exciting, but poor old Teddy doesn't seem to mind after doing this for thirty-five dog years.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Deliciousness In my Hand

Mhmmmm.... The sweet savory taste of the melting chocolate touching your lips. It smells like a little piece of heaven in your hands. When I devour Hershey Kisses, it is though I'm listening to the Oompa Loompa's from Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory singing. When you finally swallow the small bite of happiness, you are only left wanting more.