Monday, September 19, 2011

The Studious Ball of Fur

Teddy's life can be extremely grueling, especially when working on the finances. When just a petite pup, Teddy was a gorgeous white with a hint of tan here and there.  After the stress of supporting a family of six, Teddy has turned into a dull tannish-red, and clearly has forgotten what it's like to take a quick trip to the groomers.  With most of his time taken up by work, unfortunately Teddy also forgoes bathing every now and then, leaving a mortifying smell lingering around the entire house.  After a long tough day at work, it's no surprise Teddy drags his poor old paws across the chilly tile floor to hit the sack.  Not very exciting, but poor old Teddy doesn't seem to mind after doing this for thirty-five dog years.

1 comment:

  1. Loved your description of Teddy that was grammatically and mechanically perfect!
