Monday, November 28, 2011

Life's Accomplishments!

People start dreaming at an early age. Little girls dream about being princesses or owning a candy store. Some of these dreams may turn into their "Big Five for Life", but most of them will fall into the clouds of lost dreams. My "Big Five for Life" are things that I have thought about doing and I don't think my life will be satisfied without accomplishing them. My first "Big Five for Life" was going to see Israel. In April of 2010 I traveled across the world and was in the Jewish Homeland for a week. I climbed down Masada and floated in the Dead Sea. Going to Israel was one of the best weeks in my life and allowed me to check one of my "Big Five for Life" off the list. My second "Big Five for Life" is to graduate college and start a career. I am so glad to be able to say that I am already in the progress of checking this one off my list. My third "Big Five for Life" is to backpack around Europe. I have already been to France, England, and Poland, but I want to see the Lennon was in Prague and eat pizza in Italy. My fourth "Big Five for Life" is to have a family. I grew up in a big family and I can't wait until I have my one of my own. I don't have a fifth "Big Five for Life" yet, but I'm not worried because I'm sure I will have one in the years to come. I might even already have one, but not know it yet. If I accomplished my "Big Five for Life" before I die, I think I would consider those parts of my life a success, but I am a person who is always wanting more. I love trying new things and going to new places! I don't see my "Big Five for Life" for life changing as time goes on, but I do think my list will grow past the number five. No factors will make me re-evaluate my "Big Five for Life" that I have now because they are things that I will bend over backwards to accomplish. 



  1. Nice post and great plans for accomplishing your Big Five in life. I backpacked all through Europe when I graduated and it opened up my world.

  2. This is a great post. It is great that you already know and are working on your big five for life.
