Wednesday, November 2, 2011


      The youtube video, Why Men Don’t Talk to Women, is a stick figure of a man who keeps on asking woman when they are going out or that he likes their shoes. Every time he goes up to a woman and begins to talk, she kills him and then he goes on to the next girl without any remorse. He finally finds a girl that allows him to talk, but only after he tells her that he has money. The central message that the author is trying to communicate is that the only thing women care about in men is money and that men don't care about the women he left behind. Also, the author shows the man walking past a bigger girl. This is the only girl that he didn't stop to talk to. This is trying to show that all men are shallow and just want a small girl that is portrayed as beautiful in the media. I disagree with the author's viewpoint about why men don't talk to women because not all women only want money. Most men and women actually care about what each others feelings and what they have to say and not only money and looks. 

1 comment:

  1. Nice job on this post, McKenzie. You will want to separate your summary from your response using two paragraphs.
