Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Our Heroes

November 11th is Veterans Day. It is a day to recognize on the men who have served for our country. Both posters are very powerful and moving. The first poster is taken from and shows the sun shining through an American flag. The sun is peaking through dark clouds which represents America succeeding through all of the hard times. Although I love the first poster, the second poster inspires me more. The second poster was found on It is a picture of a combat boot footstep in dirt. The footstep represents all men that have served for our country, are serving, and will serve. The only coloring on this picture are the words "Veterans Day" written across the bottom. This is because color would get rid of the rugged feeling of the picture. Thank you to all of our soldiers!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your poster evaluation. Poster 2 is my favorite, too. I wish I had heard more support on why you liked Poster 2 more than Poster 1.
