Monday, October 17, 2011

Go SlideRocket!!!!

I used SlideRocket as the technology tool in my reflection. I chose this particular tool because I feel that it makes the best presentation out of all of the choices we were given to choose from. I think SlideRocket allows my information and pictures to be in a well arranged formation. I had a really good experience while using SlideRocket because it was really easy to navigate and I watched the tutorial of how to make a presentation before I even started. If I were to revise this assignment, I would change the layout to make it more interesting to watch. This will help make my reflection better. 

My Midterm Reflection Assignment Part II

1 comment:

  1. Nice reflection, McKenzie. I would explore embedding videos and also having the text fly in like one of your other peers. I am glad you watched the tutorial before doing it.
