Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Coke and Pepsi Challenge

The following is a comparison-contrast of two commercials: Christina Aguilera's Coca Cola Commercial and Britney Spears' Pepsi Commercial. 

In the Coca Cola commercial, a boy named Teddy wins a chance to go on a date with the 90s star Christina Aguilera. Coca Cola made more of a comedic commercial. Every time the boy saw Christina, he would faint later talked about how he knew him and Christina would "hit it off". The Coca Cola logo is only shown three times in the commercial. I think Coca Cola was able to be more subtle with the appearance of their product because it is such a huge company that is well known. People were able to enjoy the commercial without being bombarded with the logo, but still knew what the commercial was trying to sell and promote. 

Pepsi's commercial starts with "Pepsi: Cola" in lights and then goes straight into Britney Spears dancing. She is decked out in Pepsi delivery man outfits, surrounded by the trucks, and is later joined by others wearing the apparel. Pepsi makes sure that everyone who is watching the commercial knows what it being promoted. I like that not only was she dancing while wearing the Pepsi logo, she also used the brand name in her lyrics. 

Coke and Pepsi have been competing to be the best for many years. Although Coke is still in the lead. I enjoyed both commercials for different reasons. I did not feel like Coca Cola was forcing their product on me, but Pepsi made their product seem much more refreshing. This is one competition that I don't see coming to an end in the near future. 

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