Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Our Heroes

November 11th is Veterans Day. It is a day to recognize on the men who have served for our country. Both posters are very powerful and moving. The first poster is taken from and shows the sun shining through an American flag. The sun is peaking through dark clouds which represents America succeeding through all of the hard times. Although I love the first poster, the second poster inspires me more. The second poster was found on It is a picture of a combat boot footstep in dirt. The footstep represents all men that have served for our country, are serving, and will serve. The only coloring on this picture are the words "Veterans Day" written across the bottom. This is because color would get rid of the rugged feeling of the picture. Thank you to all of our soldiers!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Go SlideRocket!!!!

I used SlideRocket as the technology tool in my reflection. I chose this particular tool because I feel that it makes the best presentation out of all of the choices we were given to choose from. I think SlideRocket allows my information and pictures to be in a well arranged formation. I had a really good experience while using SlideRocket because it was really easy to navigate and I watched the tutorial of how to make a presentation before I even started. If I were to revise this assignment, I would change the layout to make it more interesting to watch. This will help make my reflection better. 

My Midterm Reflection Assignment Part II

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Hit the Road....

Passing cars left and right on the highway. Both are envied by other drivers on the road. I love driving my Audi TT Coupe and riding on the back of my dad's Harley Davidson. Although they are alike in some ways, both give you completely different experiences even when driving to the same location.

My Audi TT Coupe and my dad's Harley Davidson both have black shiny paint jobs and black leather seats. On bright sunny days, I am blinded from the refection of the sun beaming off of the chrome rims of both vehicles. Even though my car has four seat belts, my backseat is so small that only two people can fit in my car, just like on my dad's bike. My dad uses his side pockets with fringes and buckles hanging off of them, to hold everything he needs when hitting the road. My car is a little more roomy when it comes to storing things. You wouldn't guess it by the look of it, but I have the biggest trunk!

My car is to nice drive in when I just want to sit back and have a chill ride to my destination. I hook my Ipod up to my car and blast my latest playlist. I roll the windows down and have my hair blow in the wind just enough to feel the fresh air on my neck, but not enough to mess my hair up. When I'm on the back of my dad's bike, I feel like my whole body is flowing with the wind. It allows me to have peace and quiet thinking time with sound of the wind hitting against my helmet as my music. It's such a nice feeling on hot days when I feel the hot sun mixed with the fast winds. 

When riding on the back of my dad's motorcycle, i feel the urge to get my own motorcycle license even though my mom would kill me if I ever did. I support my dream of one day owning my own Harley by having a Harley Davidson sticker on my back windshield. Both modes of transportation are enchanting rides and get me where I need to be. 

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Coke and Pepsi Challenge

The following is a comparison-contrast of two commercials: Christina Aguilera's Coca Cola Commercial and Britney Spears' Pepsi Commercial. 

In the Coca Cola commercial, a boy named Teddy wins a chance to go on a date with the 90s star Christina Aguilera. Coca Cola made more of a comedic commercial. Every time the boy saw Christina, he would faint later talked about how he knew him and Christina would "hit it off". The Coca Cola logo is only shown three times in the commercial. I think Coca Cola was able to be more subtle with the appearance of their product because it is such a huge company that is well known. People were able to enjoy the commercial without being bombarded with the logo, but still knew what the commercial was trying to sell and promote. 

Pepsi's commercial starts with "Pepsi: Cola" in lights and then goes straight into Britney Spears dancing. She is decked out in Pepsi delivery man outfits, surrounded by the trucks, and is later joined by others wearing the apparel. Pepsi makes sure that everyone who is watching the commercial knows what it being promoted. I like that not only was she dancing while wearing the Pepsi logo, she also used the brand name in her lyrics. 

Coke and Pepsi have been competing to be the best for many years. Although Coke is still in the lead. I enjoyed both commercials for different reasons. I did not feel like Coca Cola was forcing their product on me, but Pepsi made their product seem much more refreshing. This is one competition that I don't see coming to an end in the near future.