Monday, November 28, 2011

Life's Accomplishments!

People start dreaming at an early age. Little girls dream about being princesses or owning a candy store. Some of these dreams may turn into their "Big Five for Life", but most of them will fall into the clouds of lost dreams. My "Big Five for Life" are things that I have thought about doing and I don't think my life will be satisfied without accomplishing them. My first "Big Five for Life" was going to see Israel. In April of 2010 I traveled across the world and was in the Jewish Homeland for a week. I climbed down Masada and floated in the Dead Sea. Going to Israel was one of the best weeks in my life and allowed me to check one of my "Big Five for Life" off the list. My second "Big Five for Life" is to graduate college and start a career. I am so glad to be able to say that I am already in the progress of checking this one off my list. My third "Big Five for Life" is to backpack around Europe. I have already been to France, England, and Poland, but I want to see the Lennon was in Prague and eat pizza in Italy. My fourth "Big Five for Life" is to have a family. I grew up in a big family and I can't wait until I have my one of my own. I don't have a fifth "Big Five for Life" yet, but I'm not worried because I'm sure I will have one in the years to come. I might even already have one, but not know it yet. If I accomplished my "Big Five for Life" before I die, I think I would consider those parts of my life a success, but I am a person who is always wanting more. I love trying new things and going to new places! I don't see my "Big Five for Life" for life changing as time goes on, but I do think my list will grow past the number five. No factors will make me re-evaluate my "Big Five for Life" that I have now because they are things that I will bend over backwards to accomplish. 


Monday, November 21, 2011


According to a 1996 sponsored survey by Department of Justice of 4,446 women, rape is forced sexual intercourse including both psychological coercion as well as physical force. Forced sexual intercourse means vaginal, anal, or oral penetration by the offender(s). This category also includes incidents where the penetration is from a foreign object such as a bottle. Includes attempted rapes, male as well as female victims, and both heterosexual and homosexual rape. Attempted rape includes verbal threats of rape. 90% of victims of assaults that occur on campus say they know the perpetrator. The National College Women Sexual Victimization (NCWSV) discovered that seven months prior to the study, 1.1% of college women had been a victim of an attempted rape and 1.7% had been a victim of a completed rape. The survey concluded that annually about 5% of female college students will victimized and 25% will be assaulted by the end of college. Two ways to prevent rape are by supporting a healthy norm in college campuses and by providing students with a safer environment by installing emergency call boxes and surveillance cameras. 

I believe this is a very important issue to discuss on school campus'. I think there should be mandatory school lectures that talk about sexual assault and its impacts on peoples lives. So many people lives are being ruined by this horrid act and it needs to be stopped. I think that if we had someone talk to all college freshman about the safety precautions on campus, this will promote a campus atmosphere free of fear and intimidation. I personally could make sure that I never walk alone at night and that none of my friends do either. 

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Risky Facebook

Five Hidden Dangers of Facebook by CBSNews explains that there are more than 400 million people have Facebook accounts. The first danger that they review is that a third party can view users posted information. Every time users play a Facebook game, they are downloading an application to their page that shares some of their personal information with a third party. The second danger is that every time Facebook changes their layout, users privacy settings get switched back to the unsafe default mode. This happens a few times a year and Facebook does not alert its users of these changes. The next two dangers go hand-in-hand, they are that some Facebook adds have malware and that some of Facebook users  friends may may make them vulnerable to malware. For example, the article talks about the 419 scam which is when a Facebook account is hacked and the hacker claims to have been mugged in London. The hacker asks for money to be wired over to them, but the money is really going to Nigeria. The final danger is that fake profiles are being made by scammers. Last year there was a study done that came to a conclusion that 40 percent of Facebook's profiles are fake. People are sharing private information with people they do not even know. These are all very important things to think about before they post information on their Facebook. 

I think all the ideas presented in the article are very important to review and think about. I understand that having a Facebook is dangerous and that people all over the world can figure out what I am doing and when I am doing it, but my Facebook is very important to me. I have friends who live all over the world and Facebook is such an easy and convenient way to communicate with them. Also, it is an easy way to share pictures from nights out and allows people to talk through messages with up to 20 people. I can't think of any other way to do that. Although I am a true believer in Facebook, I am going to seriously consider all of the dangers that come with owning an account. 

Monday, November 14, 2011

Beer Punch

The advertisement is a picture of a man holding a mug full of beer. There is a picture of a woman's face where the handle is. The advertisement uses a clever way to share their message that when someone loses control of their drinking, it may lead to abuse. The creator of this advertisement used all of the space that was given and covered it with graphics and left no white space. The add states that most beer consumed in Europe is by Czech Republic men. This causes them to go home and be aggressive towards their families.

I believe this is a very persuasive add because the mug causes people to look at what might happen if they drink too much. They might have a beer too many and go home and take all their aggression out on their loved ones waiting for them. Too many people are victims of abuse that was caused from too much drinking. I think every bar should have to have mugs like these and ones that prevent drunk driving. 

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


      The youtube video, Why Men Don’t Talk to Women, is a stick figure of a man who keeps on asking woman when they are going out or that he likes their shoes. Every time he goes up to a woman and begins to talk, she kills him and then he goes on to the next girl without any remorse. He finally finds a girl that allows him to talk, but only after he tells her that he has money. The central message that the author is trying to communicate is that the only thing women care about in men is money and that men don't care about the women he left behind. Also, the author shows the man walking past a bigger girl. This is the only girl that he didn't stop to talk to. This is trying to show that all men are shallow and just want a small girl that is portrayed as beautiful in the media. I disagree with the author's viewpoint about why men don't talk to women because not all women only want money. Most men and women actually care about what each others feelings and what they have to say and not only money and looks. 

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Our Heroes

November 11th is Veterans Day. It is a day to recognize on the men who have served for our country. Both posters are very powerful and moving. The first poster is taken from and shows the sun shining through an American flag. The sun is peaking through dark clouds which represents America succeeding through all of the hard times. Although I love the first poster, the second poster inspires me more. The second poster was found on It is a picture of a combat boot footstep in dirt. The footstep represents all men that have served for our country, are serving, and will serve. The only coloring on this picture are the words "Veterans Day" written across the bottom. This is because color would get rid of the rugged feeling of the picture. Thank you to all of our soldiers!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Go SlideRocket!!!!

I used SlideRocket as the technology tool in my reflection. I chose this particular tool because I feel that it makes the best presentation out of all of the choices we were given to choose from. I think SlideRocket allows my information and pictures to be in a well arranged formation. I had a really good experience while using SlideRocket because it was really easy to navigate and I watched the tutorial of how to make a presentation before I even started. If I were to revise this assignment, I would change the layout to make it more interesting to watch. This will help make my reflection better. 

My Midterm Reflection Assignment Part II